Saturday, May 11, 2013

Bring on the Burn

A week already?  Well technically I'm writing a day early.  Although I won't tally up my week ending loss until tomorrow since I recorded last Sunday.  Yes, yes I have weighed... But I'm not sharing just yet! Now that I have dropped a significant amount of weight my skin is starting to sag everywhere it seems.  It's safe to say this body here is defiantly Under Construction!  It's really not THAT bad however I am my own worst critic!  

Each day I do cardio regardless of what day of the week or whether I am doing it at home or at the gym.  Cardio is an every day thing for me. As of this point in my weight loss journey I'm ready to start really working on my tummy.  My WORST problem area so far... The picture above is a "mini" challenge within my over all 2nd 90 day Vi challenge.  This is specific to your abs/core/tummy.  As you can see the schedule is pretty wicked looking BUT it's time to take my core to boot camp!  

The calender starts at the first of the month which obviously we are well passed the first of May and right smack in the middle of May.  That being said I decided to start fresh on a Sunday and follow the schedule shown in the picture above for 30 days.  Tomorrow, 5/11/13 starts the 30 day Ab Challenge.  I'm super nervous at how much it's going to hurt doing this on top of my elliptical exercise and lap swimming.  With No pain there is No gain so bring on the BURN!!!  
No before or after pictures for this challenge just because I am a skeptic and not 100% sure just how much or how drastic of a change this challenge will bring to my entire core. One additional thing I will be doing this coming week specifically is attending a "Wrap Party" at my sisters house.  She has a friend who sells and uses this product to tighten, tone, and lift whatever problem area on your body.  In my case it's my stomach mid to lower mostly... Tuesday is when the Wrap party takes place.  I'll be wrapped up for the first time around my mid to lower stomach then after the wrap is removed I should see a pretty good difference.  Over the following 72 hours post wrap my stomach should continue to life tighten and tone as a result of the wrap. For some women they have lost some good weight with the wrap because it detoxes the area you wrapping.  I'm not sure the exact science behind it but I can see how that could work for some women.  We shall see...
Off to the gym I go...Swim Time!

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